jeudi 22 septembre 2011

The creator of the mod Cyanogen joined Samsung

What Apple or Sony did not dare do with Geohot, Samsung did with Steve Kondik. Hiring a hacker is never easy for a company, yet it can bring a lot. Indeed, Steve is the father of Kondik Cyanogen mod for Android. (Brain: oooh Good match!)

Increase the reality of your surfing

Related Google Chrome is an extension proposed by Google, which provides access to additional information on certain web pages.

Videos, the news, related sites, news sites as well as Google Maps and prices from alternative comparators ... In short, everything you need to improve your surfing experience ...

I think it can be super useful for finding additional sources when reading news on the net, but one thing I regret is that this bar does not appear consistently on all pages.

A machine to carve, in LEGO !

Arthur Sacek , a Lego enthusiast, has developed a machine 100% Lego (forcement..) able to carve blocks of floral foam from a 3D model made ​​in Autodesk.

Really impressive!

Argentina blocks one million blogs

In Argentina, they do not do things by halves. When the court decides to order ISPs to block two websites that offer government leaks of emails, they get carried away and are blocking the IP. And what happens when he stops by IP?

Well, it prevents all of the country of Argentina million access the blogs hosted on Blogger.


Google responded with a waffle on one of his blogs , leaving a small layer on respect for freedom of expression, and works with the Argentine justice to fix it.

Minecraft + Pokemon = Pokemob

Fade Pokemon? Minecraft addict?

So why not play Pokemob, a mod Minecraft really led to offers from seeking your Pokemons from 151 different, to train them and of course make them fight? Good fun in perspective!

The smart robot ever, now play sport !

After climbing the Grand Canyon and a distance of 500 km between Tokyo and Kyoto, Evolta, the little robot Panasonic launches this year in a triathlon (cycling, running and swimming) in Hawaii!

Something crazy that will last one week, 24/24 (not counting the time to change batteries) for a distance of 230 km! It's not human for sure!

Google Music Integrated In Ubuntu ?

Google Music Frame for Ubuntu (11.04 for now but there is an unstable package for 11.10) allows you to embed Google Music in a standalone application. Convenient to listen to your music without depending on a particular browser.

Google Music Frame fits perfectly in the Gnome menu and even offers OSD notifications.

Mario’s Street Challenge

In case of problems, shake your Mac!

Shake to Undo is an application designed for the base IOS and developed by Nate Stedman , allowing just shaking the iPhone, to make an Undo (Undo) ... The equivalent of CTRL-Z or CMD-Z. Practical and fun ... He had the foresight to bring its code on OSX, which means that it now runs on Macs equipped with an accelerometer (ie laptops like the MacBook Pro, MacBook or Air).

You plant in the drafting of a sentence? In a stroke of a pen in toshop? Do not panic, take your laptop and shake frantically and screaming like a madman! It's relaxing and it's much more fun than making small CMD-Z of depression ...

Coke, Mentos and LEGO - The winning trio!

A machine worthy of Professor Weetos, which allows to turn a wheel with the pressure of a mixture Coca + Mentos and a LEGO car being towed to an alarming speed 40 km / h!

Geeks know how to have fun ;-)

mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Clean forgotten by your preferences uninstalled Firefox extensions

I install a bunch of Firefox extensions to try to dig up stuff cool, and it looks like those ugly extension, even after they have been uninstalled, leaving here and there, small residual files, much like Tom Thumb, molesting his sandwich with rillettes to not finish the DASS.

So how to clean all this? It's simple and it's called EClean !

This Firefox extension's role is to clean all those preferences left by applications you are installing from the age of your first tooth!

Park a car with an iPhone !!

Valeo presented to the International Motor show in Frankfurt are Park4U allowing just to park the car automatically. Be staying in the car, or remotely from an iPhone. Practice when we're in an underground car park where space is so narrow that it is possible to exit the car once it is parked.