lundi 10 octobre 2011

A Space Station "Made in China"

The Chinese have never had a membership card to the International Space Station for non-compliance with human rights. But they do not stop that. Do not bother, since they are currently building their own International Space Station Not at all ;-)

At the end of the week they will launch a Tiangong (Heavenly Palace), an unmanned module that will serve as an anchor to a second module to be launched early 2012, and as a basis to build a truly Station space whose construction will be completed in 2020.

Cool for them!

Tiangong will carry a still a few scientific experiments to study the Belgian cancer and probably a powerful laser beam capable of deadly spray the White House in half a second. (Nan, j'déconne ...)

Then come manned flights in 2012 and 2013 ...

Moreover, as noted by Michael Griffin, a manager of NASA, the United States are losing their leading status with China. No reason for other countries to consider even the United States as a world leader: "When the Chinese Can reach the moon and we cannot, I do not see Why Would Any Other Nation regard us as a world leader"

Well, I'm not an expert but I watch Battlestar Galactica, the more I think we still have a lot of taf and that would be activated to start to colonize other planets habitable ...

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